First was Sex And The City, then Entourage. Now, The Wire.

Loads of friends had told me about this series (it's up to Season 5 in the US!) but I had avoided it for the following reasons:
I get totally hooked on television shows on DVD and binge on episodes, often watching three or four in a row in one sitting
I haven't had much time at home lately
And when I am at home, I shouldn't just sit on my ass and watch TV
That said. The Wire is worth every hour of my life each episode takes!
Its a cop show, but not your average Law And Order bullshit melodrama. The focus is on the stories and characters, not the blood and gore. Plus, Dominic West who plays Detective James McNulty is super handsome and a pleasure to watch, even when drunk and bitching about his fellow B-More coppers.
Wood Harris plays Avon Barksdale. He's fantastic. But he has the longest fingers I have ever seen. I wish I could find a picture, they're seriously so super long! Apparently he is jailed by McNulty during this first Season... but since I've only just started watching I'm not up to that part yet and don't want to spoil it for myself!
But seriously, this is a fucking amazing show. Worth the $50 odd that the box set will cost you from the HBO site. Actually, just
go there now and buy it now.
And while HBO may have totally destroyed any chance of finding myself a boyfriend before summer (I have a LOT of DVDs to catch up on if Season 5 is already half-way through in America), I am hoping I find someone who loves this show as much as I do. Just imagine romantic candle-lit dinners discussing McNulty's alcoholism and arrogance, debating whether he's a good cop doing bad things, or just as hopeless as the rest of the Baltimore police department...