Sunday, October 12, 2008

spring cleaning

so i spent all of this morning (post cooking a killer breakfast and pre-beach) cleaning my room and culling my wardrobe. an arduous task that has taken all week and is finally over. i tried to follow the "if you haven't worn it in a month it's a maybe, if you haven't worn it in six months it's out" rule but kept making excuses, "oh i should keep this cus i wore it that one night... that was SUCH a fun night... hahaha... (trail off and just have a reminisce)" or "if i ever need to dress up as cleopatra i should have this" or "when i grow 6 inches, this will be totally bangin". anyway it's done and paddo vinnies is now the recipient of three trashbags worth of what was once a part of my overflowing wardrobe.

for some reason i always listen to old school ROCK when i clean. weird? maybe but i just can't get into "house" mode without also singing along to journey, thin lizzy, tom petty & the heartbreakers, foghat- slow ride (OF COURSE), zz top, thin foreigner, styx, boston, bad company... etc.

the rock classic du jour today was 'take it easy' by the eagles and i was STUNNED to find that it wasn't in my iTunes library or on hype machine (!!) so i headed to youtube.

what i uncovered was this adorable home-made video for the song. it is gold from start to finish and just so.... literal.

it's like 'demonmama' was so excited that she (he?) understood the words that 'it' was COMPELLED to make this. there are definitely some wiggy parts but i'll let you enjoy them for yourself. so good.

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