Friday, September 28, 2007

cadence weapon

21 year old Canadian Roland Pemberton is one of those guys who seems a heap older than he actually is! He raps as Cadence Weapon, and tomorrow Big Dada Records are releasing his debut LP 'Breaking Kayfabe.'

His style is direct but manages to remain effortlessly playful, and there is nothing too aggressive about his rhymes either which I really like. And if you like his music, read his blog razorblade runner

A while ago there was a whole heap of collaborative tunes floating around featuring Owen Pallet (Final Fantasy) and Weapon together, recorded from a live CBC radio broadcast. I remember being so tripped out hearing Pallet's This Is The Dream of Win and Regime with rap vocals from Weapon!

The first single lifted off Breaking Kayfabe has been stuck in my head for weeks!


Take a listen, and then watch the clip (featuring all our favourite 90s video games!)

PS. How cute is he?!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

shocking pinks

Nothing cheers me up on a Monday like new music!

Nick Harte used to drum for NZ duo The Brunettes (just having a I LOVE New Zealand again - see older post) but is now doing solo stuff as Shocking Pinks. DFA released his self-titled record on September 17, and despite it essentially being a remastered re-release of Harte’s two previous albums (originally out through Flying Nun), I reckon he'll be getting more attention than ever, thanks to the juggernaut that is DFA Records.

The album jumps about - shoe gaze, pop, grunge, electro, lo fi - and I really think its great. Here you go...

'emily' mp3
'yes no' mp3

Hope you enjoy!

(This post was brought to you by the pub next door to my new house, and their unlocked wireless. Thanks pub!)

one more mad plug.

when not doing the silverchair tour of Newcastle:

worse than a sydney promoter.

my inbox is cutting sick with spam. I probably get over twenty different INCREDIBLE offers a day. some more personal than others.
take this one for example:

(PS. for the thousands of movestill readers that DON'T personally know me, there is a small link between me and my intername ninalasvegas) (PPS. for people who know me, it's a pretty shit link)(PPPS. why did i post?)


Sunday, September 23, 2007

the biggest week ever.

post bdays (happy bday mic), and post Yum Kippur (unfortunate day to have a bday, eh mic?) this next week is going to be crazy.

Everything is climaxing this week. all my 'hobbies' are going crazy, and with my new tv show taking off (16 views) i just know i will lose my mind.

among other things:

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

oh pugh! thank god you're here!

I've really been losing sleep about what I'm going to wear to Parklife. But THEN I found my new favourite designer! Twenty-something Londoner Gareth Pugh.

Now I'm spoiled for choice!

Apparantly our good friend Anna Wintour is a huge supporter of Pugh too.

Pugh describes his designs as being "about the struggle between lightness and darkness, like Nancy Kerrigan versus Tonya Harding. I find it amazing how ice-skating is this incredibly elegant art form and then there's this one pikey, trailer-trash skater who's a real bitch and has her opponent kneecapped. Also people like Gary Glitter, this old glam rock singer who turns out to be a pedophile."

I just love fashion... le sigh.

i heart nyc

The highlight of New York Fashion Week? Chloë Sevigny for Opening Ceremony!

Opening Ceremony is a boutique in Manhattan, and just another reason I want to move to NYC

Chloe had said to she was considering trying her hand at design, but would only do a collaboration with a store like Opening Ceremony. The store owner saw the interview, called her the next day, and they agreed to try it out!

It’s a one off, quite 80s grunge inspired but with a lot of gingham and floral prints too. Click here to see Chloe Stepping you through the collection

See you on Ebay!

and the winner is...

ugly betty, ugly betty, ugly betty.

and i'm so over it. I'm so over the "woe is me" i have to spend three hours in make-up to make myself look ugly, i'm so over the accolades because a "real" woman is being represented on TV (last time i checked America Fererra was actually pretty smokin') and if i have to sit through another awards show speech with her talking about "dreams coming true" and "women banding together" i'm going to rip my eyelashes out. Individually.

I'm sorry, but in NO universe is America Fererra a better comedic actor than Tina Fey in 30 Rock or Mary Louise Parker in Weeds. How Felicity Huffman continues to even be nominated, awards show after awards show for playing the most draining character to watch and such a one-trick pony is also beyond me. If you haven't gotten into either 30 Rock or Weeds yet because you've been too engrossed by 'Entourage' (completely fine by me) then put them on your to-watch list. 30 Rock is probably one of the funnier shows I've watched in the last five years. I was very happy to see it win Outstanding Comedy Series. For some reason I felt like the underdog won- although it stars Tina Fey (Saturday Night Live Alumni, Mean Girls), Alec Baldwin (voicemail-leaver, host of SNL more times than anyone else at a modest 14 times), Tracy Morgan (maybe the highlight) and is produced by the legendary Lorne Michaels, it rated poorly and came close to being caned before the second season.

All-in-all there were some worthy mentions on Emmy's night- they raised their glasses to Piven, tipped their hats to Gervais, gave a firm handshake to Conan and even hi-fived Judy Davis (the only reason I care is because I actually watched her mini-series 'The Starter Wife'. It starred Debra Messing in the lead role and I got it because the first episode was free on itunes- damn youuuuu itunes US store!- i had just moved back to Australia and I felt desperate. Incidentally turns out it was set in L.A. but filmed in... Gold Coast and all the actors (apart from Messing) were Australian with awful American accents. Even Mark Holden's in it. Swear to god!

Anyway... what else.... The Sopranos won 'Outstanding Drama Series' and it was like the HUGEST deal because it's the last Emmy's the cast will be at...until a reunion next year. Please. I love The Sopranos, but god, did that series fizzle out. That ending was... *spoiler alert* what the fuck even happened? Inneresting thing about their Emmy's speech was that they thanked all the musicians who contributed their songs to the show over the years and they listed a few acts and then said KASEY CHAMBERS! OUR KASEY! A quick google search reveals that 'The Captain' was played on an episode- uh may zing I did NOT know this. Onya Kasey! So its potentially their last Awards Show speech as a cast ever and they're thanking someone who had one song played on a six-season show... look I'm just saying... it fizzled...

Another fun Sopranos-related moment was when James Spader won out to James Gandolifini in the category of 'Outstanding Actor in A Dramatic Series'. All the Sopranos cast erupted after hearing the word 'James...' be read out... not waiting to hear... 'Spader' at the end of it. Ouch.

Welcome aboard. It's awards show season people (... don't even get me started on the ARIA's...)

p.s. Nina- Kanye perfomed too. Who knows why really? Maybe just to make it into this blog post?

Monday, September 17, 2007

bangers and cash

I was quite upfront with a boy this weekend, and although it didn't work out as well as I'd hoped, at least I was honest! I think people can be too protective of themselves, and never tell people how they feel, so when I read this at work today, it made me smile. I hope she emails!

In other news. Nina has flooded us with ENOUGH Kanye to last a lifetime. She cant spend long enough on the american apparel website to decide which colour tights to buy but would read endless news reports about Kanye if they were available.

In an effort to save us all from the Graduate, here's the new single lifted off Benny Bianco and Spankrock's debut release as Bangers and Cash

'B.O.O.T.A.Y' Bangers and Cash

Hot, right! It features Black Betty from Kudu, and Santi White and heaps better than this:

I cant wait for the record to drop! Perfect timing for summer bbqs and vodka sodas! The artwork looks like this -

so look out for it online/in stores October 9

Oh! And I know movestill is totally beats heavy at the moment. There'll be a non-hip hop related music post coming soon, promise!

Friday, September 14, 2007

i'm winning.

In the movestill race. close behind is Michaella and then Neha, the non-competative Sophie comes forth... I wonder who's left? Too famous to write?

I've decided to only post about Kanye until the rest of the team lifts their game.


Remember that giant rant Kanye had during the last MTV video awards? When he was all 'who the fuck are justice?'. One year on and So Me (ed banger art brain) and Kanye are BFFs.

So from this:

To This:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

enough choice.

I am classic gen y. Pro-active yet impatient, interested yet concentration-less, and... well... already bored of listing further characteristics of my age group.

I love choice, but hate making decisions. (You'd be surprised how often I ring my Dad.)

Anyway, I'm getting overwhelmed with instant messaging services. I already log onto AIM, iCHAT, Skype and MSN, but now I have to think about myspace IM?

Come on. I've already got to much of this shit running... plus my universal password (we've all got one) is gradually expanding into too many variations to keep track of. Do I have to give a copy of all my entry data to my Dad? (You'd be surprised how often I ring my Dad.)

With this sour mood in mind, I hope you can now understand why this American Apparel campaign has done nothing for me.

I know you have the greatest of intentions AA, but I just can't look at your site. I will allow a chosen colour bought for me, but I will do my head in looking at your range.


Ok. So I work at FBi Radio. That's no secret. What you might not know, is for the past few months us folk at your fave radio station have been sweating blood to find the GREATEST BESTEST NEWEST FRESHEST MOST UNRELEASED REMIXED tunes, and its all been for you! Yep, it's as if your birthdays, christmases and hanukkahs have come all at once!

ITS THE BEAT! 2 CDs of FBi-style goodness packaged into a full-of-punch party box.

Disk 1 features Midnight Juggernauts, Muscles, Dappled Cities Fly, Architecture in Helsinki, Damn Arms, Gameboy/Gamegirl, Bumblebeez and plenty more, plus remixes from DFA, A-Trak, Bonde Do Role , the Presets and FBi’s very own Ajax. Disc 2 is a party jam mash up by new Bang Gang signing Bagraiders.

The special Its The Beat: Vinyl Edition includes four tracks never before released in Australia - the Presets remixing Howling Bells, teenagersintokyo sliced up by Knife Machine djs, plus Teenager taking on Pip Branson Corporation and a remix of Red Riders.

I'm proud of this. Seriously proud. I hope you take a listen, and I hope you like what you hear. In line with FBi’s commitment to local music every song comes with an Australian angle.

Forget the bottle of wine, take THIS to your next house party!

Monday, September 10, 2007

what came first?

HBO series Entourage or everything else?

Cause when Obie Trice originally put Wanna Know out, it only found it's way onto an Entourage Soundtrack mix. Clearly NOT envolved enough, the remix features Entourage cameo Saigon. When running out of content, they speak of their good friends Turtle and co. I wonder if ex-manager Turtle likes the new version?

Obie Trice feat. Saigon - Wanna Know (remix)

does this make me look fat?

seriously, the format of this blog has been stressing me out.

For a month now, (relatively new blog) shitloads of emails have been coming in (usually saying, wow you guys are so talented/hot), but every now and then a poor lil' firefox user expresses how messy the site looks to them.

I think it's fixed now. (but if we still look gross, let us know)

an:other presents:

I am quietly confident that people will get sick of seeing this poster. i'm all about spam these day. well... until friday.


is it nina? is it neha? maybe michaella? or sophie? is it anna? I guess ill find out one day, for now ill just leave it with fabulous

(Who?! Dream wrote 'Umbrella' for Rhianna)

Bring on summer bbqs babbyyyy

Friday, September 7, 2007

mmyes. ZANY

Now i'm as guilty of being a massive fashion victim as the next person, I mean I was a Palestinian Scarf-wearing-Jew this winter fer crying out loud, but when I see aggressively fashionable young things sporting ironic glasses sans-lenses, I just think.... oh honestly.

But perhaps I'm just bitter that some people have decent eyesight and instead of squinting their face off, they can have a waterslide of fun just by wearing trick specs!!!!!!!!1

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Behind every woman?

the following post is a response to this article.

Coverage in The Guide is a pretty incredible thing. Likewise broadcasting to a nation at 22. So is recording an ep with your best friends slash band AND looking damn hot in a press shot. Kudos Marigliano.

What does kind of suck is the level of importance that Sue Javes holds on Linda's relationship status and physical appeal to her audience ("a totally hot babe"). Thank god she is 'practically married', because I have no idea where half the content in this article would have come from if Linda wasn't dating.

If didn't ACTUALLY know that Linda wasn't the dreamy-eyed bride-to-be, I'd be super confused.

'The 22-year-old is going out with a fellow bass guitar player, Matt Van Schie, from the Sydney band Van She, but marriage is not on the horizon. She is too busy presenting the lunchtime show on Triple J during the week, rehearsing and touring with her own band at night and appearing on the ABC's JTV.'

Does this mean that after the teenagersintokyo finish their EP tour, Linda will have time to get married?
Or is the fact that marriage is not on the horizon, due to the fact that she is ONLY 22?
Hold up, is 22 the age when you start getting 'so you going to marry this guy?' type questions?
Wait, has Sue Javes ever spoken to a young person before?

Javesy, Linda is amazing enough. Don't fog your readers with false ideologies of what Linda COULD find important just because you've done a google search on her boyfriend.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


you know some one is truely awesome when everyone is working with them. take santogold (AKA santi white) for example. santogold's debut album is going to be filled with work by disco d (rip), switch, diplo, xxxchange, & freqnasty. these have been floating around for a white, but they're still GOLD. (pun).

Santogold - Creator

santogold - you'll find a way (switch & sinden remix)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

kris moyes. wonderdirector

He directed my two favourite video clips of this year Buttons by Sia, and Heart It races by Architecture In Helsinki and now he's baaaaaack!

'Microwave' by Softlightes

This video is INCREDIBLE! Its like being invited into the world of those dancing monsters from The Labyrinth and they're throwing a 80's theme glitter party!

Moyes directed Wolfmother’s ‘White Unicorn’ video in 2006, and then defaced the same clip under the pseudonymn 'Banditobruce'. Remember all the chaos that caused?! He's an incredible director, and has become Modular's go to guy for film clips. Check the above links, and then this, this and this and you can see why!