ugly betty, ugly betty, ugly betty.
and i'm so over it. I'm so over the "woe is me" i have to spend three hours in make-up to make myself look ugly, i'm so over the accolades because a "real" woman is being represented on TV (last time i checked America Fererra was actually pretty smokin') and if i have to sit through another awards show speech with her talking about "dreams coming true" and "women banding together" i'm going to rip my eyelashes out. Individually.
I'm sorry, but in NO universe is America Fererra a better comedic actor than Tina Fey in 30 Rock or Mary Louise Parker in Weeds. How Felicity Huffman continues to even be nominated, awards show after awards show for playing the most draining character to watch and such a one-trick pony is also beyond me. If you haven't gotten into either 30 Rock or Weeds yet because you've been too engrossed by 'Entourage' (completely fine by me) then put them on your to-watch list. 30 Rock is probably one of the funnier shows I've watched in the last five years. I was very happy to see it win Outstanding Comedy Series. For some reason I felt like the underdog won- although it stars Tina Fey (Saturday Night Live Alumni, Mean Girls), Alec Baldwin (voicemail-leaver, host of SNL more times than anyone else at a modest 14 times), Tracy Morgan (maybe the highlight) and is produced by the legendary Lorne Michaels, it rated poorly and came close to being caned before the second season.
All-in-all there were some worthy mentions on Emmy's night- they raised their glasses to Piven, tipped their hats to Gervais, gave a firm handshake to Conan and even hi-fived Judy Davis (the only reason I care is because I actually watched her mini-series 'The Starter Wife'. It starred Debra Messing in the lead role and I got it because the first episode was free on itunes- damn youuuuu itunes US store!- i had just moved back to Australia and I felt desperate. Incidentally turns out it was set in L.A. but filmed in... Gold Coast and all the actors (apart from Messing) were Australian with awful American accents. Even Mark Holden's in it. Swear to god!
Anyway... what else.... The Sopranos won 'Outstanding Drama Series' and it was like the HUGEST deal because it's the last Emmy's the cast will be at...until a reunion next year. Please. I love The Sopranos, but god, did that series fizzle out. That ending was... *spoiler alert* what the fuck even happened? Inneresting thing about their Emmy's speech was that they thanked all the musicians who contributed their songs to the show over the years and they listed a few acts and then said KASEY CHAMBERS! OUR KASEY! A quick google search reveals that 'The Captain' was played on an episode- uh may zing I did NOT know this. Onya Kasey! So its potentially their last Awards Show speech as a cast ever and they're thanking someone who had one song played on a six-season show... look I'm just saying... it fizzled...
Another fun Sopranos-related moment was when James Spader won out to James Gandolifini in the category of 'Outstanding Actor in A Dramatic Series'. All the Sopranos cast erupted after hearing the word 'James...' be read out... not waiting to hear... 'Spader' at the end of it. Ouch.
Welcome aboard. It's awards show season people (... don't even get me started on the ARIA's...)
p.s. Nina- Kanye perfomed too. Who knows why really? Maybe just to make it into this blog post?
You're confusing Chris Rock and Tracy Morgan!
typo noted. thanks perpetua.
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