Sadly, I haven't watched much Australian Idol this year. I haven't even been to ONE live show (Sopho? Chokesy?)
HOWEVER, I've watched enough to to swear that I've seen Australian Idol contestant Wes Carr before. Perhaps riding around Surry Hills on a fixed gear bike? Working at American Apparel? A KOL? AND I'm giving him props for the fact that he actually sings semi-interesting songs that match his whole trendy-facial-hair-and-smart-casual-flanos look he's pulling off. PLUS he beats any of the past ROCKDUDES/ROCKCHICKS in Idol history.
BUT LOL, he's also the biggest MJ fan in the world.

He got a touchdown. (R.I.P Holden)
What are you talking about Nina. Kelly Cavuoto was the most authenic rock chick in idol history.
My friend Evan used to play bass for Wesley Carr in 2003, he had a lot of major label interest for a little while but nothing came of it. I have his old EP somewhere at home, do you want it? It's awful!
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