Relocating to le sud de la France (avoiding the Australian summer, the 'colourful' people of Newtown and any festive season functions that involve my family), eating baguettes and wedges at MacDonalds (not at the same time), and researching anti-Justice blog posts on the internet (pardon, Joustice).
FOR EXAMPLE: (found somewhere online and forwarded to me)
'The internet has been buzzing with rumors that Justice didn't play live at their recent gig at Manchester's Warehouse Project, based on a photo that showed Gaspard Augé working a MIDI controller that mysteriously hadn't been plugged in.
While the levels of schadenfreude have reached epic proportions quite quickly, Justice has shot back with the claim that they indeed noticed soon after the picture was taken that the equipment had not been plugged in and quickly rectified the situation.
As you can see from the evidence below, clearly Augé thought he was doing something with the machine with a black control screen and no power attached at the beginning of their set, while the photos from Warehouse Project's official site shows the screen later on as blue and—presumably—turned back on.'

They have wedges at McDonalds there mon dieu WTF?
How Scandal'Us
(Me, Myself & I - anthem circa 2001)
just having a miss you babe??
x anna
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