How does one maintain The Pip?
For some time now, Neha and I have been rocking The Pip (arguably The M.I.A and The Lou).

or The Mai Hem

But as the regrowth-clock marches forward i'm starting to panic that my hair will become a mega-embarrassing 3-toned instead of the utterly-desirable 2 tones.

How should I proceed? Is it advisable to dye the dark section (new regrowth incl.) even darker, or should I keep lightening the light bits?!!
As more and more people contemplate getting The Pip we must find out the definitive answer to this nuanced question.
BONUS: A Brief History Of The Pip
Back in the days when everyone was just rocking The Rachel, Pip cleverly combined The Rachel with THE REVERSE PIP! (while still managing to look like a total babe)

The Pip in its nascent stages, earliest recorded documentation:

Unsure of how to end this post so will just ape Hipster Runoff: LUV U THE PIPS
ha hahah hahahahhaha hahahah hahahah your paint picture.
A weave will fix everything.
or just get nina to move that pink diagonal line up a little bit so it covers any re-growth?
how much of a genius is Sophie Braham?
Well I'm so glad you finally reached out Sophie!
I've got the insider scoop, FAMOUS may reference me as 'A friend close to the source'!
Pip and I used to share the same hairdresser (Brad Ngata 'where your the star sweetheart') in Surry Hills, until my favorite hairdresser there was shipped of to rehab. Bummer. Anyways, she has maintained the creative streaking and highlights for the past 5 years or so. Brad does her hair, and on some occasions we we're seated next to each other in the salon to chat...... I KNOW!
Anyway, - A friend close to the source says she gets mid highlights starting from 13cms from the roots. Then to maintain contrast she gets a darker colour coming from the roots to the 13cm point where the blonding starts to take control. Then has a blending tint over to top to really give it that lived in know?
FYI, i know go to Paloma at Oscar and Oscar and have never been happier with my natural colour and bob!
Thanks Pip, you are a credit and hair prophet!
p.s Did anyone else hear P.E turned down creative director of Yen? How amazing would the Pips have been?
xxxxx Love NELLA
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