Having only just recovered from my crazy Saturday night (LIE), I am finally relaxing (SECOND LIE. HAVEN'T DONE SHIT).
Once again, Mum and Dad's Xmas gathering highlighted their ability to host the most ethnic BBQ in Wagga. I was allowed to invite a friend, so I chose Kate. We didn't socialise much, but really pulled through at the end of the night when Nikita's (sister) boyfriend's father needed to talk to people (DRUNK). We also scored brownie points when my dad needed to tell everyone that dinner was ready, as we 'performed' the announcement really well.
Kate's bf is featured in the 2009 Mangoplah-Cookadinia-Eastlakes United Calendar. He's topless, and she carries a photo of him in her wallet. His giant ability to be a BABE, was rewarded with a place on my family's fridge.

After discussing the newly crowned Miss Wagga (featured below) and the 23 year old Wagga City Councilor with a D.U.I charge, we headed momentary out. Apparently there are heaps of knife fights in Baylis St after dark. I didn't see any, but thought it was safer to go home regardless.
On Sunday I went shopping. Well, actually just window shopping. I recently found a picture on Facebook of my old flatmate (The One Who Still Hates Me), wearing a dress that I found in Myer.
It's $140? WTF.
Over priced, ugly-ass dresses were a recurring theme downtown. It's no suprise that local stores only last 6 months or so. Either that, or knife fights were a massive problem in all the shit clothing stores on Baylis St.
I met up with Dad and he also refused both plastic and green bags from Woolworths, so I had to carry everything to the car. I pretty sure my parents only flew me down to help them grocery shop.
At home Nikita and Janine were laughing at the School Spectacular on ABC 2. Mum found everything 'token'. The token Aboriginal piece, Country piece and the 'Special Ed' piece were all commented on.
After being ditched by mistermooseman (for gambling), I caught up with the local thesbian scene (ALL IN-CHARACTER). Driving home, I got pulled over and breath tested. Sirens and all. I swear, Wagga is becoming B.More.
Today was nowhere near as eventful and I'm happily blaming mistermooseman. He forgot that he'd rescheduled our reunion, and I waited at home for 2 hours. I have since told him that he has missed any chance of a reconciliation. Maybe 2009.
My cat (LOL) is sick.
This post is for you Kevin (real name: Peach).
you're so bored.
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