Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dear @clrfst

Tai's last interview via gawker.com.

I've had a lot of practice 'googling' the sudden deaths of celebrities this year, and gawker.com is one of my favourite [morbid] resources.

PS. If we're going to save this blog from death, maybe we should bring back this post several times.

PPS. I am genuinely sad that Brittney Murphy died suddenly.

PPPS. I am in France at the moment and it was a very different experience seeing the Twitter trending topic explode in about 2 mins, rather then wake up to bad news when in Australia's timezone.


clrfrst said...


Unknown said...

nina, you broke the news for me. i was waiting on a freezing cold tube platform with sophie at the time.

p.s. movestill 4 life. miss'd you guyz.

Veronica Darling said...

Miss you in real life and online.